4 Ways to Make Sure You Always Have Something to Say Online

iStock_000017822648XSmall-300x199It’s probably the most common problem faced by bloggers and social media users. What am I going to say? What can I post that is topical, interesting and valuable? Here’s how to develop streams of information and ideas for your content publishing: BusinessBusiness2Community.com


– Jim Niemela, President at ZimZee Recruiting

The 10 Worst Job Hunting Tips Ever

adviceNothing’s more detrimental to your chances of landing a dream career than bad job hunting advice. Here is a list of ten things not to do when submitting your next job application. – PayScale.com



– Jim Niemela, President at ZimZee Recruiting

How to Find your Path

Screen Shot 2013-11-11 at 12.00.25 PMThe old social contract is in tatters, and the corporate ladder lies in sawdust at our feet. We have to drive our own careers today – but how do we decide which course to follow? How do you begin to find your path? – LinkedIn.com


– Jim Niemela, President at ZimZee Recruiting