4 Ways to Make Sure You Always Have Something to Say Online

iStock_000017822648XSmall-300x199It’s probably the most common problem faced by bloggers and social media users. What am I going to say? What can I post that is topical, interesting and valuable? Here’s how to develop streams of information and ideas for your content publishing: BusinessBusiness2Community.com


– Jim Niemela, President at ZimZee Recruiting

The Tiny Adjustment That Could Change The Course Of Your Next Interview

Screen Shot 2013-11-18 at 11.14.12 AMEver heard the phrase ‘fake it ’til you make it’? Turns out there’s some truth to it. Here’s a simple tip to make your next job interview, speech, or negotiation more successful. – LinkedIn.com


– Jim Niemela, President at ZimZee Recruiting

How to Electrify your Career in Six Steps

Screen Shot 2013-11-16 at 5.52.17 PMThere are simple steps you can take to re-connect to your power source and keep the voltage high, no matter how old you are or what sort of work you do. They don’t require more education or reading. They only require you to look at your career completely differently and to re-build muscles you may not have tested much recently (or in some cases, ever). – LinkedIn.com

– Jim Niemela, President at ZimZee Recruiting

How to Apply for a Job You’re Overqualified For

131025-Job-Overqualified-for-275x275Whether you’re an intern or a senior-level director, these days, it’s not uncommon to apply for a job you’re overqualified for. Here’s some advice for how to approach interviews when you’re overqualified, no matter what the situation. – TheDailyMuse.com



– Jim Niemela, President at ZimZee Recruiting

The 10 Worst Job Hunting Tips Ever

adviceNothing’s more detrimental to your chances of landing a dream career than bad job hunting advice. Here is a list of ten things not to do when submitting your next job application. – PayScale.com



– Jim Niemela, President at ZimZee Recruiting